
Roosters are nicer to their relatives than to other males

Posted Posted in Animals, Environmental

Male domestic fowl are less aggressive towards related males than to unrelated males when competing for copulations, according to a new study from Linköping University in Sweden. This finding, which has been published in the scientific journal Behavioral Ecology, suggests that domestic fowl can recognise their kin among individuals in a group, and that their […]

overmolding technology

Flexible electronic devices with roll-to-roll overmolding technology

Posted Posted in Electronics, Technology

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has, for the first time, performed all manufacturing stages for a flexible in-moulded LED foil -in roll-to-roll process. The purpose of this demo is to prove the suitability of the technique for the highly cost-effective manufacture of products such as flexible LED displays containing printed electronics. All smart electronics […]

magnetic fields

Controlling soft robots using magnetic fields

Posted Posted in Electronics, Technology

A team of engineering researchers has made a fundamental advance in controlling so-called soft robots, using magnetic fields to remotely manipulate microparticle chains embedded in soft robotic devices. The researchers have already created several devices that make use of the new technique. “By putting these self-assembling chains into soft robots, we are able to have […]

HIV protecion

Emotion: An important link to HIV prevention in black adolescents with mental illnesses

Posted Posted in Health, HIV and AIDS

Nearly half of all US adolescents aged 13 to 19 are sexually active. But black adolescents, who represent only 14 percent of that population, account for 63 percent of new cases of HIV among adolescents. In addition, it’s estimated that more than 2 million adolescents, many of whom are sexually active, experience a major depressive […]


Health problems may increase as young people infected with HIV at birth get older

Posted Posted in Health, HIV and AIDS

A new study has found that U.S. youth infected with HIV around the time of their birth are at higher risk throughout their adolescence and young adulthood for experiencing serious health problems, poor control of the HIV virus or death. The report, led by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), has been published online in […]

diabetic retinopathy

Implementing large-scale teleretinal diabetic retinopathy screening program

Posted Posted in Diabetes, Health

Can a large-scale, primary care-based teleretinal diabetic retinopathy screening (TDRS) program reduce wait times for screening and improve the timeliness of care in the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, the largest publicly operated county safety net health care system in the United States? A new article published online by JAMA Internal Medicine by […]


Scientists discover new class of anti-diabetes compounds that reduce liver glucose production

Posted Posted in Diabetes, Health

Scientists may have found a new tool for studying — and maybe even treating — Type 2 diabetes, the form of diabetes considered responsible for close to 95 percent of cases in the United States. A team of scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School […]