Widespread use of statins in healthy older people to prevent heart disease not recommended in new study

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Statins are not associated with a reduction in cardiovascular disease (conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels) or death in healthy people aged over 75, finds a study published by The BMJ today. However, in those with type 2 diabetes, statins were related to a reduction in cardiovascular disease and death from any cause up to the […]

New tool to detect fatty liver disease before liver damage

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A new test may soon be available to predict advanced fibrosis in people with the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is the leading cause of chronic liver disease, affecting approximately one in four people, including children, worldwide. An international research team developed a score, based on the PRO-C3 biological marker, to accurately predict the […]

High blood sugar during pregnancy ups risk of mother’s type 2 diabetes, child’s obesity

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Mothers with elevated blood glucose during pregnancy — even if not high enough to meet the traditional definition of gestational diabetes — were significantly more likely to have developed type 2 diabetes a decade after pregnancy than their counterparts without high blood glucose. For children born to mothers with elevated or normal glucose, researchers found […]

Sarcolipin tricks muscle cells into using more energy, burning fat

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Ever wonder why you burn fat and heat up when you exercise or shiver? Now, researchers at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) have shown that sarcolipin, a small peptide only found in muscles, increases muscle energy expenditure and fat oxidization. The study was published today in the journal Cell Reports. The scientists found sarcolipin […]

breast cancer gene variants

Thousands of breast cancer gene variants engineered and analyzed

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A new scientific analysis of nearly 4,000 mutations deliberately engineered into the BRCA1 gene will immediately benefit people undergoing genetic testing for breast or ovarian cancer risk. The study will be published in the Sept. 12 edition of the scientific journal, Nature. Additional data from the research has been made available online. Jay Shendure and Lea […]