Stem cells show promise as drug delivery tool for childhood brain cancer

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The latest in a series of laboratory breakthroughs could lead to a more effective way to treat the most common brain cancer in children. Scientists from the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy reported results from early studies that demonstrate how cancer-hunting stem cells, developed from skin […]

Teen Girls: Risk from Drug-Drug Interactions

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According to new research from the University of Illinois at Chicago, about one in five children regularly use prescription medications, and nearly one in 12 of those children are at risk for experiencing a harmful drug-drug interaction. The findings from the study, which is published in the journal Pediatrics, indicate that adolescent girls are at highest […]

body fat

More accurate measure of body fat developed

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Cedars-Sinai investigators have developed a simpler and more accurate method of estimating body fat than the widely used body mass index, or BMI, with the goal of better understanding obesity. The new method is highlighted in a study published in Scientific Reports, one of the Nature journals. “We wanted to identify a more reliable, simple and inexpensive method […]

How low is too low? Study highlights serious risks for intensive blood pressure control

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Kaiser Permanente research published today in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found if patients with hypertension taking prescribed medications experience unusually low blood pressures — systolic blood pressure under 110mmHg — they are twice as likely to experience a fall or faint as patients whose treated blood pressure remains 110mmHg and above. This research is […]

New biomarkers of inflammation identified as risk of polyneuropathy

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Polyneuropathy is one of the most common complications in people with diabetes. However, it can also occur with certain risk factors or diseases before the onset of diabetes. First symptoms are often pins-and-needles sensations in the feet. Although polyneuropathy is present in about 30% of people with diabetes, it often remains undiagnosed. Scientists from the […]