predict risk

Researchers predict risk for common deadly diseases from millions of genetic variants

Posted Posted in Health

A research team at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and Harvard Medical School reports a new kind of genome analysis that could identify large fractions of the population who have a much higher risk of developing serious common diseases, including coronary artery disease, breast cancer, or type 2 diabetes. […]

human wrist

New soft bioelectronic mesh tested on human wrist and pulsating pig’s heart

Posted Posted in Health

A research team at the Center for Nanoparticle Research, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), has succeeded in developing a wearable and implantable device, that measures electrophysiological signals and applies electrical and thermal stimulations. It provides information on muscle and cardiac dysfunctions, and thus could be implemented for pain relief, rehabilitation, and prosthetic motor […]


Glaucoma may be an autoimmune disease

Posted Posted in Health

Glaucoma, a disease that afflicts nearly 70 million people worldwide, is something of a mystery despite its prevalence. Little is known about the origins of the disease, which damages the retina and optic nerve and can lead to blindness. A new study from MIT and Massachusetts Eye and Ear has found that glaucoma may, in […]

Potential target for developing obesity and diabetes treatment identified

Posted Posted in Health

A newly published study by researchers from the University of Colorado School of Medicine has identified a potential therapeutic target for treating obesity and diabetes. The scientists studied the biological function of an epigenetic modifier known as histone deacetylase 11 (HDAC11) and determined that deleting it in mice stimulates the formation of brown adipose tissue. […]

Preventing dangerous episodes of low blood sugar with diabetes: Study provides next clue

Posted Posted in Health

A new LSU Pennington Biomedical Research Center study reveals that a novel biomarker might give us new answers necessary to creating a diagnostic tool for hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure, or HAAF. No objective diagnostic tool currently exists for this condition which, if left untreated, can lead to ever-worsening and possibly life-threatening episodes of dangerously low blood […]

Women and men experience different benefits from low-calorie diets

Posted Posted in Diabetes, Health

A low-calorie diet causes different metabolic effects in women than in men, a new Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism study suggests. In the study of more than 2,000 overweight individuals with pre-diabetes who followed a low-calorie diet for 8 weeks, men lost significantly more body weight than women, and they had larger reductions in a metabolic syndrome score, […]