2 diabetes

Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes: Hope for inhibitors against amyloid plaques

Posted Posted in Health

Effective therapeutics to counteract the formation of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes are not yet available. Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now come a little bit closer to a solution: They have described a new class of designed macrocyclic peptides that are highly potent inhibitors of amyloid […]

Harmless or hormone disorder? A new test enables quick diagnosis for drinking by the liter

Posted Posted in Health

Drinking excessive amounts of fluids can be a medically unremarkable habit, but it could also signify a rare hormone disorder. A new procedure now enables a fast and reliable diagnosis. Researchers from the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel reported these findings in the New England Journal of Medicine. Drinking more than three liters per […]

Insulin resistance under-diagnosed in non-diabetics with Parkinson’s disease

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Almost two-thirds of non-diabetic patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may be insulin resistant, despite having normal blood sugar, report scientists in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease. Their findings suggest that insulin resistance in PD is a common and largely undetected problem, especially in patients who are overweight. Reduced glucose tolerance has long been recognized as a […]

produces remission

Why weight loss produces remission of type 2 diabetes in some patients

Posted Posted in Health

A clinical trial recently showed that nearly half of individuals with type 2 diabetes achieved remission to a non-diabetic state after a weight-loss intervention delivered within 6 years of diagnosis. Now a study published August 2nd in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that this successful response to weight loss is associated with the early and sustained improvement […]

weight loss

Makeup of an individual’s gut bacteria may play role in weight loss

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A preliminary study published in the August issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that, for some people, specific activities of gut bacteria may be responsible for their inability to lose weight, despite adherence to strict diet and exercise regimens. “We know that some people don’t lose weight as effectively as others, despite reducing caloric consumption and increasing […]