Mapping of magnetic particles in the human brain

Posted Posted in Health

Many living organisms, such as migratory birds, are thought to possess a magnetotactic sense, which enables them to respond to the Earth’s magnetic field. Whether or not humans are capable of sensing magnetism is the subject of debate. However, several studies have already shown that one of the preconditions required for such a magnetic sensory […]

Cannabinoid improves survival rates of mice with pancreatic cancer

Posted Posted in Health

Mice with pancreatic cancer that were treated with a naturally occurring constituent of medicinal cannabis alongside chemotherapy, survived almost three times longer than those treated with chemotherapy alone, a new study reports. The study is published in the journal Oncogene and was led by Queen Mary University of London and Curtin University, Australia. It tested the impact […]

Experimental drug

Experimental drug reverses hair loss and skin damage linked to fatty diet, shows new study in mice

Posted Posted in Health

In a series of experiments with mice, Johns Hopkins investigators have used an experimental compound to successfully reverse hair loss, hair whitening and skin inflammation linked by previous studies to human diets heavy in fat and cholesterol. The investigators say the compound halts the production of certain fats called glycosphingolipids, or GSLs, that are major […]

New way to target flu virus

Posted Posted in Health

There’s a hitch in the swing of a protein that delivers the flu virus. Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine researchers believe this mechanism may be a useful target to stop the virus from infecting cells. In a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Rice-Baylor team led by biophysicist José […]

Discovery reveals how obesity causes disease — and two ways to stop it

Posted Posted in Health

New research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine explains why obesity causes harmful inflammation that can lead to diabetes, clogged arteries, and other health problems. Doctors may be able to use this knowledge to battle these chronic diseases and others driven by damaging inflammation. “All these diseases have a common denominator,” said researcher […]

Overnight brain

Overnight brain stimulation improves memory

Posted Posted in brain, Health

New research in humans demonstrates the potential to improve memory with a non-invasive brain stimulation technique delivered during sleep. The results, published in J Neurosci, come from a project funded by the United States Department of Defense that aims to better understand the process of memory consolidation, which could translate into improved memory function in both […]