Mobile phone radiation may affect memory performance in adolescents

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Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may have adverse effects on the development of memory performance of specific brain regions exposed during mobile phone use. These are the findings of a study involving nearly 700 adolescents in Switzerland. The investigation, led by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), will be published on Monday, 23 July […]

CT scans may increase risk of brain cancer, study suggests

Posted Posted in Health

A new study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests that CT scans, commonly used in medical imaging, may increase the risk of brain tumors. The use of computed tomography (CT) scans has increased dramatically over the last two decades. CT scans greatly improve diagnostic capabilities (which improve clinical outcomes) but they deliver higher radiation […]

mom's gut

Autism risk determined by health of mom’s gut

Posted Posted in Health

The risk of developing autism-spectrum disorders is determined by the mother’s microbiome — the collection of microorganisms that naturally live inside us — during pregnancy, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggests. The work raises the possibility that preventing forms of autism could be as simple as an expectant mom modifying […]

genetic medicines

New platform poised to be next generation of genetic medicines

Posted Posted in Health

A City of Hope scientist has discovered a gene-editing technology that could efficiently and accurately correct the genetic defects that underlie certain diseases, positioning the new tool as the basis for the next generation of genetic therapies. This editing platform, discovered by City of Hope’s Saswati Chatterjee, Ph.D., eventually may be used to cure inherited […]

first memory

Forty percent of people have a fictional first memory

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Researchers have conducted one of the largest surveys of people’s first memories, finding that nearly 40 percent of people had a first memory which is fictional. Current research indicates that people’s earliest memories date from around three to three-and-a-half years of age. However, the study from researchers at City, University of London, the University of […]

kids with autism

Key social reward circuit in the brain impaired in kids with autism

Posted Posted in Health

Children with autism have structural and functional abnormalities in the brain circuit that normally makes social interaction feel rewarding, according to a new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine. The study, which will be published July 17 in Brain, documented deficits in children with autism in a crucial reward circuit, called the mesolimbic reward […]

Finding the proteins that unpack DNA

Posted Posted in Health

A new method allows researchers to systematically identify specialized proteins that unpack DNA inside the nucleus of a cell, making the usually dense DNA more accessible for gene expression and other functions. The method, developed by a team of researchers at Penn State, and the shared characteristics of these proteins are described in a paper […]

Obesity alone does not increase risk of death

Posted Posted in Health

Researchers at York University’s Faculty of Health have found that patients who have metabolic healthy obesity, but no other metabolic risk factors, do not have an increased rate of mortality. The results of this study could impact how we think about obesity and health, says Jennifer Kuk, associate professor at the School of Kinesiology and […]