New research could banish guilty feeling for consuming whole dairy products

Posted Posted in Health

Enjoying full-fat milk, yogurt, cheese and butter is unlikely to send people to an early grave, according to new research by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). The study, published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found no significant link between dairy fats and cause of death or, more specifically, […]

Extreme heat and reduced cognitive performance in adults in non-air-conditioned buildings

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Students who lived in dormitories without air conditioning (AC) during a heat wave performed worse on a series of cognitive tests compared with students who lived in air-conditioned dorms, according to new research led by Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health. The field study, the first to demonstrate the detrimental cognitive effects of indoor […]


Gene-editing technique cures genetic disorder in utero Study in mice shows promise for treating genetic conditions during early stages of development

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Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Yale University have for the first time used a gene editing technique to successfully cure a genetic condition in a mouse model. Their findings, published in Nature Communications, present a promising new avenue for research into treating genetic conditions during fetal development. An estimated 8 million children are born each […]

Novel HIV

Novel HIV vaccine candidate is safe and induces immune response in healthy adults and monkeys

Posted Posted in Health

New research published in The Lancet shows that an experimental HIV-1 vaccine regimen is well-tolerated and generated comparable and robust immune responses against HIV in healthy adults and rhesus monkeys. Moreover, the vaccine candidate protected against infection with an HIV-like virus in monkeys. Based on the results from this phase 1/2a clinical trial that involved nearly 400 […]

DNA testing

Ancient DNA testing solves 100-year-old controversy in Southeast Asian prehistory

Posted Posted in Health

Two competing theories about the human occupation of Southeast Asia have been debunked by ground-breaking analysis of ancient DNA extracted from 8,000-year-old skeletons. Southeast Asia is one of the most genetically diverse regions in the world, but for more than 100 years scientists have disagreed about which theory of the origins of the population of […]

Creating medicines without side effects

Posted Posted in Health

A new technique for precisely targeting molecules within cells is paving the way for safer medicines that are free of side effects. Researcher J. Julius Zhu, Ph.D., of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and his colleagues have developed a way to manipulate molecules from compartment to compartment within individual cells. Amazingly, the same […]