Face value: Brain’s ability to recognize faces is shaped through repeated exposure, study suggests

Posted Posted in brain, Health

Scientists have long deemed the ability to recognize faces innate for people and other primates — something our brains just know how to do immediately from birth. However, the findings of a new Harvard Medical School study published Sept. 4 in the journal Nature Neuroscience cast doubt on this longstanding view. Working with macaques temporarily deprived of […]

Unraveling Alzheimer’s: New study documents how brain cells go bad

Posted Posted in brain, Health

In the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease, there are abnormal deposits of amyloid beta protein and tau protein, and swarms of activated immune cells. But scientists do not fully understand how these three major factors combine to drive the disease. Now, UNC School of Medicine and National Institutes of Health researchers have untangled the […]

Drug may curb female infertility from cancer treatments

Posted Posted in Cancer, Health

An existing drug may one day protect premenopausal women from life-altering infertility that commonly follows cancer treatments, according to a new study. Women who are treated for cancer with radiation or certain chemotherapy drugs are commonly rendered sterile. According to a 2006 study from Weill Cornell Medicine, nearly 40 percent of all female breast cancer […]

Protecting the guardians

Posted Posted in Diabetes, Health

Keeping the immune system in balance is no small feat. It must remain keenly alert to spot and disarm foreign invaders and smart enough to recognize the body’s own tissues and organs to spare them from a misdirected attack — a mistken response known as autoimmunity. Some of the workhorses that keep the immune system […]

New possibility of studying how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain at different ages

Posted Posted in brain, Health

Alzheimer’s disease can lead to several widely divergent symptoms and, so far, its various expressions have mainly been observed through the behaviour and actions of patients. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now produced images showing the changes in the brain associated with these symptoms — a development which increases knowledge and could facilitate […]

Risky decision making on brains of methamphetamine users examed with imaging

Posted Posted in brain, Health

Methamphetamine users showed less sensitivity to risk and reward in one region of the brain and greater sensitivity in other brain regions compared with non-users when performing an exercise involving risky decision making. Deficiencies in decision making are linked to addiction. Chronic methamphetamine use is associated with abnormalities in the neural circuits of the brain […]

High moral reasoning associated with increased activity in the human brain’s reward system

Posted Posted in brain, Health

Individuals who have a high level of moral reasoning show increased activity in the brain’s frontostriatal reward system, both during periods of rest and while performing a sequential risk taking and decision making task according to a new study from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, […]