Comprehensive sequencing program shows promise of precision medicine for advanced cancer

Posted Posted in Cancer, Health

The average metastatic cancer has more genetic mutations than are seen in early stage tumors, a new study finds. What that means: To make precision medicine a reality in cancer care, you need a real-time, comprehensive approach that looks at the metastatic tumors and sequences to a level of detail beyond most commercial tests. In […]

Firmer, fitter frame linked to firmer, fitter brain

Posted Posted in Health

Scientists have observed that more aerobically fit individuals have better memories. To investigate this phenomenon, they used magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), which measures the firmness and elasticity of organs, and found that fit individuals had a firmer, more elastic hippocampus — a region of the brain associated with memory. The method could provide early diagnosis […]

Targeted, high-energy cancer treatments get a supercomputing boost

Posted Posted in Cancer, Health

Radiation therapy shoots high-energy particles into the body to destroy or damage cancer cells. Over the last century, the technologies used have constantly improved and it has become a highly effective way to treat cancer. However, physicians must still walk a fine line between delivering enough radiation to kill tumors, while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. […]

Scientists develop novel chemical ‘dye’ to improve liver cancer imaging

Posted Posted in Cancer, Health

Scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a novel nanodiamond-based contrast agent — a chemical “dye” used to enhance the visibility of internal body structures in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) — that improves visualisation of liver cancer tumours. Better and more sensitive imaging contributes towards detecting liver cancer and is crucial for […]